Maritime Workers and Mesothelioma

Unfortunately, maritime workers are at a higher risk of being exposed to asbestos which can result in severe health issues, including the development of a rare cancer called mesothelioma. This is because manufacturers have commonly used asbestos for decades in the construction of machinery and components for both military and commercial ships within the maritime […]


NZ Federation of Commercial Fishermen, partnered with Guard Safety, successful in receiving ACC Workplace Injury Prevention Grant! Since early 2019, ACC have been making grants available to organisations who can help solve workplace health and safety problems that affect multiple businesses in New Zealand. These grants are used to carry out projects around innovation, capability […]

Blessing of the fleet in Nelson, 2019

Blessing of the Fleet in Nelson 2019

Guard Safety are proud to have been involved in the 19th annual Blessing of the Fleet. Every year it reminds us of what’s important and the True Price of Fish! Looking forward to a special 20th anniversary event next year!